group picture with Alexei Gruverman


Job Openings

I'm in the process of hiring people for my research group.

Job Openings

Current Group Members

Headshot of Ohheum Bak

Ohheum Bak

Graduate Student

Headshot of Pratyush Buragohain

Pratyush Buragohain

Graduate Student

Headshot of Pradeep Chaudhary

Pradeep Chaudhary

Graduate Student

Headshot of Haidong Lu

Haidong Lu


Former Group Members

Headshot of Alex Stamm

Alex Stamm

Grad student


Headshot of Noah Brubaker

Noah Brubaker

High school student 

Headshot of Dr. Dong Wu

Dr. Dong Wu

Currently at Sandia National Lab


Headshot of Dr. Dong Jik Kim

Dr. Dong Jik Kim


Headshot of Phani Kiran Vabbina

Phani Kiran Vabbina

Grad student


Headshot of Dr. Alexandra Fursina

Dr. Alexandra Fursina


Headshot of Benjamin Hoffman

Benjamin Hoffman

Undergrad student


Headshot of Pankaj Sharma

Pankaj Sharma


Former (Visiting) Students

Headshot of Dr. Leo McGilly

Dr. Leo McGilly

Currently at Ceramics Laboratory, EPFL-Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland


Headshot of Nathalie Barroca

Nathalie Barroca

PhD student
University of Aveiro, Portugal

Headshot of Dr. Raymond McQuaid

Dr. Raymond McQuaid

Currently at
School of Maths & Physics,
Queen's University of Belfast, UK


Headshot of Dr. Daniel Pantel

Dr. Daniel Pantel
MPI-Halle, Germany

Currently at Robert Bosch GmbH, Gerlingen-Schillerhöhe, Germany

Headshot of Jonathan Whyte

Jonathan Whyte

PhD student,
School of Maths & Physics,
Queen's University of Belfast, UK

Headshot of Jason Chen

Jason Chen

PhD student,
School of Mat. Science and Eng., University of New South Wales, Australia