Physics 212
Fall Term 2012

Section 250, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 

136 Jorgensen Hall

Lecturer: Alexei Gruverman, 081 Jorgensen Hall,
Office phone: 472-4788

Office Hours:
Tuesday 3:30 - 4:30 pm or by appointment

Title: University Physics, 13th Edition, Volume II (which starts with Chapter 21)
Authors: Young and Freedman

Course Web Site: On the university’s Blackboard system, the course web site is entitled GENERAL PHYSICS II PHYS212 SEC 250 FALL 2012. Make sure your e-mail address is current on the Blackboard system, since announcements will be sent to all registered students from time to time. Always access the online preclass problems and the Mastering Physics online homework problems (described below) through the course web site so that you see any announcements posted on the course web site.

There will be two 1.5-hour midterm exams and a two-hour comprehensive final. The exams will be given online in the Testing Center, 127 Burnett Hall, and you will log into the university’s EDU system (the same system used for the online preclass problems) to take the exams. You will need an electronic calculator during the exams, and calculators cannot be shared. There are no make-up or alternate exams outside the dates listed below. The exams dates and the Testing Center opening hours are listed in the table below. More details about the exams will provided as they approach.


 Exam Dates
Exam I                     September 27 (Classroom)
Exam IINovember 6 (Classroom)
Final ExamDecember 13 (TBD)


During the lectures, you will need a “clicker” to respond to concept questions via the Personal Response System (PRS). If you don’t already have a registered clicker, you may purchase one at the bookstore and register it either at the bookstore or via your web site.

cartoon of teaching